The Nutrients in Chinese Apples or Pomegranates

Healthy Eating | Nutrition | Vitamins & Minerals
By Sylvie Tremblay

Pomegranates, also called Chinese apples, help you reach the 1.5 to 2 cups of fruit recommended in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s dietary guidelines. At 234 calories per fruit, Chinese apples provide energy that you need to get through the day, and they also serve as a source of water to help you stay hydrated. Because they are simply different names for the same fruit, Chinese apples and pomegranates have the same nutrient content. They come loaded with beneficial micronutrients, including minerals and vitamins essential for good health.

Vitamins E and C

Chinese apples provide vitamins E and C, two antioxidants that protect your tissues from damage caused by free radicals. Your cells get exposed to free radicals as a by-product of your metabolism, as well as from exposure to environmental toxins, and they rely on antioxidants such as vitamins C and E to stop the free radicals from damaging your cells’ DNA, lipids and proteins. Vitamin E also aids in cell communication, while vitamin C keeps your connective tissue strong. Each pomegranate provides 1.7 milligrams of vitamin E, or 11 percent of the recommended daily intake set by the Institute of Medicine. A Chinese apple also contains 29 milligrams of vitamin C, which is 39 percent of the recommended daily intake for women and 32 percent for men.

Vitamin K

Consuming Chinese apples also provides you with vitamin K, which is important for healthy circulation. Vitamin K controls blood clotting and regulates the thickness of your blood. Maintaining healthy vitamin K levels ensures that your blood doesn’t become too thin — putting you at risk of excessive bleeding — or too thick, which puts you at risk of blood clots that disrupt healthy circulation. It also supports new cell growth and maintains bone health. A pomegranate contains 46 micrograms of vitamin K, which is 37 percent of the daily intake for men and 51 percent of the daily intake for women recommended by the Institute of Medicine.

Potassium and Copper

Consume Chinese apples as a source of essential minerals, including potassium and copper. Both minerals promote healthy nerve function — potassium helps your nerve cells conduct small electrical impulses, while copper allows you to make chemicals needed for nerve communication. Potassium also supports heart and muscle function, and copper aids in energy production and nourishes your connective tissue. Each Chinese apple contains 666 milligrams of potassium and 446 micrograms of copper. This provides 14 percent of your daily potassium requirements and half of your recommended daily copper intake, as set by the Institute of Medicine.

Meal Ideas

Seed your Chinese apples without making a mess by submerging halved pomegranates in water and gently removing their juicy seed casings, called arils. Combine the arils with diced green chili pepper, fresh mint, lime juice and olive oil for flavorful pomegranate salsa, or use pomegranate arils to add sweetness and texture to salad. Drop a handful of pomegranate arils into ice water, or juice pomegranates for a nutrient-packed beverage.

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